Wednesday, November 26, 2014

After Obama’s Immigration Action

What exactly does the Tea Party want to do about the undocumented already here who have no longer to fear or worry about deportation. As I understand it, that's the chief change made by President Obama. His order has nothing to do with new illegal immigrants. If the Tea Party has a better idea about what to do about the immigrants who lost their fear of deportation, other than forcing them to take it back (because there isn't the funds or ability to deport 5 million plus people) why don't they tell us. We are all in general I believe open to new good ideas. I must be missing something because I don't understand the Tea Party's purpose for existing other than control through intimidation and spreading negative energy that improves nothing. It only creates more social discord and disorder we certainly can do without. On second thought, they seem to represent a group of terrified souls imprisoned by their own fear of any kind of change. Even when the change is in the form of real genuine progress in human rights. However, I feel like the Tea Party just lurches from one red herring to another. They are about creating rage and then fanning its flames as high as they can. But it is not about developing solutions, it is only about their own ambitions of power. As the deficit fire burned itself out, they just used its ashes to start the immigration fire.

1 comment:

  1. Kevin, it seems like you're addressing the important topic of immigration in your article After Obama's Immigration Action. Kudos for that. I just have a few questions. Who is the Tea Party? What do they stand for? You spent half your article decrying them, which is passionate and I respect that, but a little more information would be helpful.

    The next thing is I have no clue what you are talking about when you mention president Obama's order. You mentioned the 5 million immigrants who are already here, and that it has nothing to do with new immigrants, but I still have no frame of reference for what was intended for them.

    I think all my questions might be answered in the link you posted, but it would have been better to at least give the basic facts of the matter and have the link as a reference in case someone wants more details. Don't get me wrong, it seems like you are fighting for a good cause, I just want to understand the situation a little bit more.
